When it's free, is it truly free?

Someone is always paying something!

Have you considered the trade-offs of using community apps for free? While there's no upfront cost, your information is exchanged as currency. This may lead to receiving unwanted spam and solicitations.

Here for you.

In our commitment to user privacy and security, Jobz Cafe™️ adheres to a strict policy of not selling user information, regardless of whether you are a paying customer or not. We believe in protecting your data and maintaining the trust you place in our platform. Our focus is on providing a valuable and enriching experience for all users, ensuring that your personal information remains confidential and safeguarded.

Introducing a contemporary answer to today's challenges

A modern solution to a modern problem

Jobz Cafe™️ offers a comprehensive platform that empowers you at every stage of your career journey, from job search and networking to mentorship and professional career development. With its diverse modules and personalized approach, Jobz Cafe™️ aims to redefine the way individuals navigate and succeed in the modern job market maze.

Our Menu

We know everyone is starting this career journey from different places. Whether you’re a recent grad or taking the next step in your climb on your career ladder, there’s a plan for you at Jobz Cafe™️.

We have simple prices

Select the plan to suit your needs.

Upgrade, downgrade anytime.

Barista's Brew

Always free! We understand that sometimes it is hard to allocate funds when you are not working, so this plan keeps you in the community.

This plan includes the following modules:

  • jobzStory - the resume
    You need to be able to tell your story the right way. The resume needs replacing and we have the way to do just that.
  • jobzZone - the jobboard
    For now, this is a traditional job board with links to apply. Very soon, we will have our priority version and you can select either way.
  • jobzVault* - past recordings of podcasts
    Learn by hearing from other job seekers and recruiters who take part in our podcast.
  • Career Academy
    This is access to all the FREE courses and resources


I want to be part of this

Cafe Connoisseur

Monthly or Quarterly! You know that applying via job boards just doesn't work and you want to take the steps to build your network. Less than $1 a day!

Everything in Barista's Brew plus . . .

  • jobzForum - curated audio and video calls
    Have your say and engage with your peers and recruiters, outside the interview process.
  • jobzConnect* - online matching algorithm
    Swipe left or right to connect with members that meet your matching criteria.
  • jobzR8ter - proprietary recruiter rating
    Search the ratings, Have your say and make recruiters accountable - never be ghosted again!
  • jobzChat - direct messaging
    Once connected, have direct communication with connections within the community.

$29/month or $57/quarter

Chef's Table

Monthly or Quarterly! You know you could do it on your own, but you know it will be faster with someone taking you along the path.

Everything in Cafe Connoisseur plus . . .

  • 1 Chat Away Club - a private mastermind group
    A peer and a mentoring group to advise you on your career strategies.
  • jobzTalk - podcast
    Job seekers can be showcased on the podcast and also get access to the recordings in advance of other plans.
  • jobzTarget* - professional introductions
    We make introductions to companies on your behalf.
  • jobzTrust - bi-annual background verification
    Know what your background is presenting before the recruiter ever sees it.

$197/month or $497/quarter

The Buffet

Pay as You Go! As you progress through your career journey other services can be integrated into your plan. Some are included in the Chef's Table plan, but can also be purchased separately.

Whenever you need it . . .

  • jobzPrep* - practice video interviewing
    A peer and a mentoring group to advise you on your career strategies.
  • jobzTrust - background verification
    Know what your background is presenting before the recruiter ever sees it.
  • jobzFunnel* - proprietary job search management
    Create a strong job search funnel to have companies reach out to you.

Pay as You Go

*modules to be released in version 2.0

Remember, You are only one chat away . . .

We know that you are unlikely to get your dream career in 30 days, but it might be long enough to see what you think of us as a company.

The best day to get started was yesterday

Are you ready to transform your career?

Unlock your potential.
Uncover your passion.

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